We make no bones about it...our goal is to preserve the memory of the USS SOUTHERLAND DDR/DD-743, her crewmembers who spent many sleepless nights to keep her steaming throughout the years performing her mission, and the task of etching Southerland's place in the history books online for all to read and enjoy.......
For $15.00 , you can buy the following items;
(a) One each 12 pack of your favorite brand of beer (domestic only)
(b) One half of one carton of cigarettes
(c) Two Big Mac value meals at McDonald's
(d) One each cheap (add one more cheap) bottle of perfume
(e) One full year of membership in the USS Southerland Association.
For this same $15.00, you also get the following membership privileges.
Full access to the USS Southerland Website, with posting privileges
Periodic newsletters published and mailed to all Association members.
Special updates on all upcoming activities
The opportunity to post input regarding reunion activities events.
And most of all, you help us locate more crewmembers by keeping this website up
If there was a way to do this free, we would......gladly. The Southerland Association is a brotherhood of men who share a common thread in society, and just as an anchor line is made up of many strands which make it strong and durable, so must our Association be.
You might consider a Life Time Membership for $150.00 and then not have to write a check every year.
Our goal is to add additional strands to our line....to make it strong and durable, and most of all, to create an unbreakable link from the past, through the present, and into the future.
Please consider joining us in this cause.......we have tried to make it quick and easy because time is valuable for us all. The Association is willing to do the work to make it happen...your part will be easy. You can contact any of the board members should you have any question.
Contact Mr. Gary Schweizer for information on who to address and where to send your membership check dues. Gary's email is: sweenie04 AT comcast.net